Worlds Apart (2025)


While navigating the challenges of caring for his ailing mother and the relentless grind of day-to-day life, Dee finds himself thrust into a surreal ordeal when inexplicable events begin to unfold.

Dee’s already fragile world is shattered by encounters seemingly beyond the realm of human comprehension. Struggling to make sense of these strange occurrences, Dee must summon courage he never knew he possessed as he delves into the mysteries that threaten to consume him and his loved ones.

Using the love for his mother as his guiding light, Dee embarks on a journey of self-discovery and survival, where he must confront the unknown and protect those he holds dear from forces that defy explanation.

Worlds Apart

Genre: Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi

Stars: Will Lindsey, Canyon Martinez, Samantha Lindsey, Noah Jay Wood, Tecoya Harris

Release Date: 2025

Country: United States of America

Runtime: 108 mins


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