Uncharted (2022) [Action]


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Brothers Sam and Nathan “Nate” Drake are caught by museum security trying to steal the first map made after the Magellan expedition. The orphanage that houses both boys kicks Sam out. Before he leaves, Sam promises his return to Nate, and leaves him a ring with the inscription “Sic Parvis Magna”.

Fifteen years later, Nate works as a bartender in New York City and pickpockets wealthy patrons. Victor “Sully” Sullivan, a fortune hunter who worked with Sam tracking treasure hidden by the Magellan crew, explains to Nate that Sam vanished after helping him steal Juan Sebastian Elcano’s diary.

Nate, who received several postcards from Sam over the years, agrees to help Sully to find his brother. Sully and Nathan go to an auction to steal a golden cross linked to the Magellan crew, where they meet Santiago Moncada, the last descendant of the Moncada family who funded Magellan’s expedition, and Jo Braddock, leader of mercenaries hired by Moncada. Nate is ambushed by Braddock’s men, and the ensuing fight creates a distraction for Sully to steal the cross.

  • Genre: Action, Adventure
  • Stars: Tom Holland, Mark Wahlberg, Antonio Banderas, Sophia Ali, Tati Gabrielle
  • Runtime: 116mins

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