The Northman (2022) [Action]

The Northman1

The Northman Hollywood Movie Mp4 Film

Prince Amleth is on the verge of becoming a man when his father is brutally murdered by his uncle, who kidnaps the boy’s mother.

Two decades later, Amleth is now a Viking who raids Slavic villages. He soon meets a seeress who reminds him of his vow — save his mother, kill his uncle, avenge his father.

Back at the farm, Amleth frees the slaves and kills most of Fjölnir’s men. While searching for Fjölnir, Amleth is attacked by Gudrún and kills her. Gunnar also attacks Amleth, stabbing him repeatedly in the back before Amleth accidentally kills him. Fjölnir, discovering his wife and son dead, tells Amleth to meet him at the Gates of Hel—the volcano Hekla—to resolve the conflict via holmgang.

At the volcano, Amleth and Fjölnir engage in a fierce swordfight; Fjölnir is decapitated, but Amleth is fatally wounded. As Amleth lies dying, he has a future vision of Olga embracing their twin children, before a valkyrie appears to carry him through the gates of Valhalla.

  • Genre: Action, Adventure, Drama, Fantasy
  • Stars: Alexander Skarsgård, Anya Taylor-Joy, Claes Bang, Eldar Skar
  • Runtime: 137mins

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