Rodney – Wisdom Drill (TikTok Song)

Wisdom Drill

Rodney Wisdom Drill TikTok Song Download Mp3

Nigerian content creator, Rodney has released this new impressive single tagged “Wisdom Drill”.

Apparently, Rodney explains the song is a wordplay and he creates a challenge for the song which later has been used on more than 5k videos on the video sharing platform, TikTok.

Continually conveying a decent dope sound, the multi-skilled genius has built up a genuine fan-base that stands apart to help and battle this music battle.

Along having time making this tune for fans, this shows no easing back down in the business by any stretch of the imagination.

Quotable Lyrics;

I am dropping steady bars like I just came out of prison
If it’s raining on the sea, can we call that raining season
I don’t take off my shoes cause they will be de-feeted (defeated)
If cats are really scared of water, why do pussies get wet!

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