Meiway – DJ Tassouman (TikTok Song)

Meiway DJ Tassouman

Meiway DJ Tassouman TikTok Song Download Mp3 | Lowolou lowolou rourou rou rou song download

One of the recent trending songs on TikTok is “DJ Tassouman” performed by Ivorian singer, Meiway.

Apparently, the song, DJ Tassouman was released back in 2004, it gained attention with the snippet which starts at 4:14 and the lyric goes Lowoulou lowou lowoulou lowou (Voilà la partie).

It has been used on more than 30k videos on the video-sharing platform, TikTok making it gather more than 40M views on the platform.

Continually conveying a decent dope sound, the multi-skilled genius has built up a genuine fan-base that stands apart to help and battle this music battle.

Along having time making this tune for fans, this shows no easing back down in the business by any stretch of the imagination.

Quotable Lyrics:

Lowoulou lowou lowoulou lowou (Voilà la partie)
Lowoulou lowou lowoulou lowou
Lowoulou lowoulou (Lowoulou lowou)
Lowoulou lowoulou (Lowoulou lowou)
Lowoulou lowoulou Dj (Lowoulou lowou)
Lowoulou lowoulou lowoulou (Lowoulou lowou)
Lowoulou lowoulou lowoulou (Lowoulou lowou)
Oloboloubaloubou loubaloubou loubaloubou lowoulou lowoulou lowoulou
(Lowoulou lowou) Lowoulou lowoulou lowoulou (Lowoulou lowou)
Lowoulou lowoulou Dj (Lowoulou lowou)

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