Madagascar 3: Europe’s Most Wanted (2012) [Animation]

Magadascar 3

Download Madagascar 3 Europe’s Most Wanted Animation Movie Mp4

Shortly after becoming the co-leaders, the penguins and the chimpanzees leave Africa for Monte Carlo in their modified airplane.

When they do not return, Alex, Marty, Melman, Gloria, King Julien, Maurice and Mort decide that they should go find them and return to their home at the Central Park Zoo in New York City.

They find the penguins and chimpanzees at the Monte Carlo Casino.

Chaos ensues, and the animals escape from Captain Chantel DuBois, the head of Monaco’s Animal Control, who is determined to add Alex’s head to her taxidermy collection.

  • Genre: Animation, Comedy, Adventure, Family
  • Stars: Andy Richter, Asucena Jimenez, Ben Stiller
  • Runtime: 93mins

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