Kung Fu Panda: The Dragon Knight (Season 1) [Action]

Kung Fu Panda The Dragon Knight

Kung Fu Panda; The Dragon Knight Complete Season 1 Mp4 Series

Legendary warrior Po teams up with an elite English knight on a global quest to rescue magical weapons, restore his reputation – and save the world!


Episode 1: Po’s popularity is gone after wicked weasels steal a powerful gauntlet. English knight Wandering Blade offers a chance to chase down the thieves.

Episode 2: Po is ready and willing to be Blade’s apprentice. But their mismatched personalities clash – until Po’s masterful kung fu moves impress his partner.

Episode 3: When Klaus and Veruca strike a hedgehog village for a scroll, Po must choose between helping a prisoner or keeping the trust of the elder monks.

Episode 4: With the emperor’s Forbidden Company on their tail, Po and Blade head to Po’s favorite comic book creator to learn the location of the next weapon.

Episode 5: A mysterious figure helps Po. Po and Blade must put aside their differences when they stumble into Klaus and Veruca in the desert spice market.

Episode 6: Po and Blade follow the comic book’s map and journey through the treacherous desert. The secretive stag makes a deal with Klaus and Veruca.

Episode 7: The warriors meet the reclusive Rukhmini and try to convince her to hand over the fire whip. Colin the stag questions his alliance with the weasels.

Episode 8: Veruca’s magic powers are of no use, so she seeks to treat her injured brother in a secret forest village. But Po and Blade are right behind them.

Episode 9: With Klaus and Veruca in tow, Po and Blade set their sights on England. The emperor meets Po’s protective dad, Mr. Ping, and a scheming Rukhmini.

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Episode 10: The duo rushes to the emperor’s palace to warn him of Klaus and Veruca’s intentions. Po and Blade get separated, and a hidden secret is revealed.

Episode 11: Blade explains everything about her past. An epic sled chase through the snow-covered mountains leads Po to make a fateful decision.

  • Genre: Action, Adventure, Animation, Comedy
  • Stars: Jack Black, Rita Ora, James Hong, Chris Geere, Della Saba, Amy Hill
  • Runtime: null

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