Guchi – Benzema

Guchi Benzema

Multi-talented songstress, Guchi has released a new single titled “Benzema”.

In figurative reference to French Footballer Karim Benzema, the single is a well-delivered rendition of a love-smitten woman ready to go above and beyond for a reciprocating lover.

Guchi, in all her divine feminine glory, sensually threads words and melodies that could unarm the most guarded of hearts. She sings “In my head, you dey play, you dey score, you be Benzema”, essentially applauding her partner’s capability of nailing their relationship goals.

RELATED: Guchi – Jennifer

Produced by Chech, Benzema is marinated in many African flavours that give it a continental appeal while possessing a soccer title theme that could have the song far-flung to the ends of the earth.

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