Gladiator (2000) [Action]

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Download Gladiator Hollywood Movie Mp4 Film

In 180 AD, Hispano-Roman General Maximus Decimus Meridius intends to return home after he leads the Roman army to victory against the Germanic tribes near Vindobona on the Limes Germanicus.

Emperor Marcus Aurelius tells Maximus that his own son, Commodus, is unfit to rule and that he wishes Maximus to succeed him, as regent, to help save Rome from corruption and restore the republic.

Upon hearing this, Commodus murders his father. Commodus proclaims himself the new emperor, asking Maximus for his loyalty, but the latter refuses.

Maximus is arrested by the Praetorian Guard and is told that he and his family will die. He kills his captors and, wounded, he rides for his home near Trujillo, only to find his wife and son crucified.

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Maximus buries them, then collapses from his injuries.

Slavers find him, and take him to the city of Zucchabar in the Roman province of Mauretania Caesariensis, where he is sold to gladiator trainer Proximo.

  • Genre: Action, Adventure
  • Stars: Russell Crowe, Joaquin Phoenix
  • Runtime: 155mins

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