The Mechanic (2011) [Action]

The Mechanic

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Hitman Arthur Bishop sneaks into the home of a Colombian cartel boss and drowns him in his own pool.

Upon returning home to Louisiana, he meets with his friend and mentor Harry McKenna, who pays Bishop for his work.

Bishop is then assigned to kill Harry; Bishop’s employer Dean confirms by phone that the contract is correct, whereupon Bishop requests a face-to-face meeting.

Dean tells him about a failed mission in South Africa, in which several assassins were killed.

Dean reveals that only he and Harry knew the details of the mission, and that Harry had been paid for the contract details. Reluctantly, Bishop kills Harry with the latter’s own gun and makes it look like a carjacking.

At the funeral, Bishop encounters Harry’s son Steve, who he stops from trying to kill a would-be carjacker in a misguided attempt at vengeance.

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Following this, Steve asks Bishop to train him as a hitman. Adopting a chihuahua, he instructs Steve to take the dog with him to a coffee shop each day at the same time.

As Steve settles into a routine, Bishop escalates their training, taking him to observe a contract killing.

  • Genre: Action, Crime, Thriller
  • Stars: Jason Statham, Ben Foster, others
  • Runtime: 93mins

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