Cinderella (1950)


Cinderella 1950 Animation Movie Download

When Cinderella is a young girl, her widowed father marries Lady Tremaine, a widow with two daughters of her own. He dies shortly thereafter.

Lady Tremaine, jealous of her stepdaughter’s beauty and determined to forward her own daughters’ interests, orders Cinderella to become a scullion in her own château, overburdening her with chores. Cinderella’s stepsisters, Anastasia and Drizella, also take advantage of her meekness, mocking her and adding to her workload.

Despite this, Cinderella remains kind of heart, obediently doing her chores whilst taking care of the mice and birds that live in the château, making friends of them, mainly of two mice named Jaq and Gus.

Genre: Animation, Family, Fantasy, Musical
Stars: Ilene Woods, James MacDonald, Eleanor Audley
Release Date: 1950
Runtime: 74mins

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