Brothers (2015) [Action]


Download Brothers Indian Movie Mp4 Film

The film opens in medias res where street fighting issues are raised in Mumbai. Sports chairman Peter Braganza expresses his desire of making street fighting a legal sport and decides to open a league called Right 2 Fight (R2F).

Meanwhile, imprisoned Garson “Gary” Fernandes, a recovering alcoholic and former MMA expert under rehabilitation, is released from his jail term, and his younger son Monty comes to pick him up.

Monty gets tensed when his father asks about his elder son David and takes him away to their home.

At home, Gary acts protective of all the belongings of his wife, Maria, who died many years ago. David, now a physics teacher, has a daughter with a kidney ailment.

  • Genre: Action, Drama, Sport
  • Stars: Akshay Kumar, Jackie Shroff, others
  • Runtime: 156mins

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