Alice In Wonderland (2010) [Adventure]

Alice In Wonderland

Download Alice In Wonderland Hollywood Movie Mp4 Film

Alice, an unpretentious and individual 19-year-old, is betrothed to a dunce of an English nobleman.

At her engagement party, she escapes the crowd to consider whether to go through with the marriage and falls down a hole in the garden after spotting an unusual rabbit.

Arriving in a strange and surreal place called “Underland,” she finds herself in a world that resembles the nightmares she had as a child, filled with talking animals, villainous queens and knights, and frumious bandersnatches.

Alice realizes that she is there for a reason–to conquer the horrific Jabberwocky and restore the rightful queen to her throne.

  • Genre: Adventure, Fantasy, Family
  • Stars: Johnny Depp, Mia Wasikowska, Helena Bonham Carter
  • Runtime: 108mins

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