Advertise On

NaijaPrey Banner 2 offers engaging entertainment-related content monthly to millions of unique users, largely comprised of the highly sought after 18-35 age demographic.

We serve as an ideal platform to reach consumers and a top internet outlet to advertise products and services, or promote songs, albums, mixtapes, and videos. resonates with an ever-growing audience of young, internet-savvy users and we make it very simple and efficient to reach your audience.

We have IAB standard banners available; 300×100 (Mobile), 300×250 (Mobile) and 728×90 (Desktop).


720x90Ad scaled
720×90 Desktop Ad! Your ad can also be placed below the navigation menu.

SidebarAD300x250 scaled
300×250 Sidebar sticky ad! You ad can also be a skyscraper – 90×720 size or more!
300×250 ad! The desktop sidebar ad will replace the marked area on mobile. You can also place your 300×100 ad above the square ads!

Stickyfooterad scaled
720×90 sticky ad! Almost everyone would see your advertisements with this format. It can be closed using the ‘Close Ad’ button.
This requires a 300×50 or 300×100 ad! It’s the same as the desktop format.

Let us show you what we can do!

If you’re interested in advertising on, please email us at [email protected]. It is our mission to deliver unparalleled customer service and make advertising on the simplest and most efficient way to buy highly targeted advertising impressions online.

Last Updated: 16 Jul, 2023.