CZ12: Chinese Zodiac (2012) [Action]

Chinese Zodiac min

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CZ12 also known as Chinese Zodiac, is a 2012 Hong Kong action-adventure comedy film co-written, co-produced and directed by Jackie Chan, who also starred as the main character in the film.

The plot begins with the story of the Old Summer Palace and its looting and destruction by a combined Anglo-French expeditionary force during the Second Opium War. Among the artifacts looted are twelve bronze heads of the animals of the Chinese zodiac.

In the present day, the bronze heads are auctioned for millions of euros each. The main company supplying the bronze heads and other looted relics is MP Corporation. JC is tasked by MP Corp to find the remaining lost bronze heads, with a promise of a 10x bonus if he can recover all of them.

JC visits Professor Guan, who had created 12 identical replicas for study purposes with his team of researchers, under the guise of a reporter named Martin from National Geographic.

  • Genre: Action, Adventure, Comedy
  • Stars: Jackie Chan, Liao Fan, Kwon Sang-Woo
  • Runtime: 123mins

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